Backpack Project: We are looking for 10 more new or gently used backpacks as well as healthy snacks and drinks. We will collect these items up through the end of September.
Fall Adult Sunday School Class: Join us for a foundational study on covenant theology, taught by Pastor Dorman, based on the book What Is Covenant Theology, by Ryan McGraw. Starting Sunday, September 8, at 11:00 a.m. If you'd like a copy of the book, please sign up on the sign-up sheet at the church by Sunday, August 25. If you would like to pay for your book ($9) please give your money to Val.
Save the Date: Next community meal will be Saturday, September 28th; we will have a spaghetti dinner with all the fixins’.
Mark Your Calendar: Congregational meeting, October 5th..more info to come.